2 Guests
Room for two students.
$780/per person
Room for two students.
Shower and full size vanity.
High-speed ethernet & Wi-FI access.
Microwave & Fridge in room, with access to fully supplied Shared Kitchen
All The Innternationale’s rooms include featured amenities, World Cafe, Theater, Spoken Language Program, Concierge Service, Group Events & Programming, Access to Nine Fully Supplied Kitchens, Heated/Air Conditioned, Quick Walk to Main St. & Classes, Across the street from Campus Police.
The Internationale’s guests are 90-95% Graduate Students. It features a mature atmosphere that is affordable and comfortable. Close community involved in Spoken Language Program.
All lease pricing is for Academic year – August 24th to June 28 th . Shorter leases may have a premium assigned depending on length of lease. There is no long term discount.
All leases require the first two months lease paid prior to arrival. Resident is to have a viable Credit card on file for charging. All leases are due between the 20th and 24th of each month, a penalty of $60 is due for any lease not paid by the 24th. All rooms are to be left as clean as they were on first arrival. A departure fee of $40 is due for all leases, paid with the first two month lease. Linens are available for large groups. Linens are available for 2 weeks for foreign students but are to be returned clean once replaced.